Tube rounds

Steel grades with the chemical composition and the mechanical characteristics according to STAS 8183-80, STAS 8184-87, STAS 8185-88 and STAS 10382-88.

Dimensions and limit tolerances
According to STAS 2881 / 87
Tube round diameter [mm] Weigh [Kg/m] Tube round diameter [mm] Weigh [Kg/m]
Nominal Limit tolerance Nominal Limit tolerance
100 + 1,0/- 1,7 61,7 200 + 1,5/- 2,5 246,6
110 74,6 220 ± 3,2 298,4
120 + 1,2/- 2,0 88,8 230 ± 3,5 326,1
130 104,2 240 355,1
140 120,8 250 ± 5 385,3
150 138,7 270 449,5
160 + 1,5/- 2,5 157,8 280 483,4
180 199,7 300
Note: Diameters 170, 190, 210, 260, 290 mm available with rough turned finish

Shape deviations and surface condition
Out-of-roundness max. 50 % of the total permitted limit tolerances from the diameter
Max. permissible deviation from straightness 5,0 mm/m
Cut off - square ness max. 5 mm for d <= 120 mm
max. 7 mm for 120 < d <= 200 mm
max. 10 mm for  d > 200 mm

Delivery lengths
Length types Delivery length [m] Permissible deviations [mm]
Manufacture lengths 4 - 12


Fixed lengths 4 - 7 + 50/- 0

Delivery state, delivery
Delivery state Delivery
Rough rolled, peeled when ordered, straightened and without heat treatment Without packing and unprotected to corrosion, not bundled for d >= 180 mm or in bundles with the weight of max 3 t for d < 180 mm